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True North Innovation

Parent CompanyN/A
Product RangeProduct Development Consulting, Market Research, Innovation, Sub Contract Design, Sub Contract Development, Marketing
OperationMountain Ash Consulting is your partner for development of medical devices. Our aim is to be your ‘one-stop shop’ covering all aspects of product development, from assessing your market or technical requirements, creating concepts for new products, developing your product or launching your product. Whatever stage you are at, we can help. We prefer to work in collaboration with our clients, assisting throughout the process or as required in order to bring new products to market to fill a recognised need on time and within budget. Most of our associates have over 15 years experience in the medical device market, bringing you experience at an affordable price.
ContactRowan Norrie, MD
AddressAuchter House
251 Bonkle Road
Phone+44 1698 389456
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»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
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