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Crionna Ltd

Parent CompanyN/A
OperationCrionna is a science based CRO specialising in high quality European clinical trial management and product development. We believe that high level scientific understanding of emerging complex therapies is crucial to intelligent design and management of clinical trials. Our people have extensive clinical trial management, scientific and medical expertise, particularly in the fields of Oncology and Immunology. We excel in the management of multi-centre European clinical trials and also have a strong interest in earlier stages of development. Crionna offers a particularly comprehensive range of services providing newly emerging Biopharmaceutical and Medical Device companies with a complete but virtual R & D group. Our internal management strategies promote enthusiasm and flexibility allowing us to form synergistic and enjoyable working relationships with our clients.

Our goal is to add value to your clinical management team and speed the delivery of safe and effective therapies to patients.
ContactLynne Douglas
Address178 Drymen Road
G61 3RW
Phone+44 845 234 0239
Fax+44 845 345 0239
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