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Exomedica Ltd

Product RangeIts portfolio includes devices, instrumentation, diagnostics and imaging, for both clinical and patient use.
MDAndrew Newell
ContactFraser Harvie
Address53 Chandos Place
ServicesExomedica is a developer and funder of early stage Medical Technology innovation. Its portfolio includes devices, instrumentation, diagnostics and imaging, for both clinical and patient use.

The company focuses on innovation deriving from the NHS and academic research from universities. It also seeks to develop innovation from the private sector from overseas as well as the UK. Exomedica’s role is to fund and manage innovation development, from its earliest stage encompassing patent applications, product design and testing, market intelligence, licensing activity and clinical trials. Any medical technology innovation, however early or late its stage of development is of potential interest to the company and it will take it to the point where the innovation is ready for commercialisation.

At this stage Exomedica expects to realise value typically through license, asset sale or flotation. It will in most cases assume overall responsibility for project management, financing and value realisation in collaboration with the NHS and universities. Exomedica can provide initial funding of between £50 to 200k for each innovation development and would envisage making provision for further funding where necessary.
Phone+44 207 812 7366
Fax+44 207 812 6677
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