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Journals - Gastroenterology

Journal Types
 - Cardiovascular
 - Cleanroom
 - Computing
 - Dentistry
 - Diabetes
 - Gastroenterology
 - General Healthcare
 - Imaging
 - Literature Databases
 - Medical Device Industry
 - Medical Engineering
 - Ophthalmology
 - Orthopaedics
 - Regulations

 Abdominal Imaging

Abdominal Imaging is designed for prompt publication of original articles dealing with clinical radiology of abdominal disorders, including the alimentary tract and the genitourinary system. The journal's intent is to provide an international and unique source of information to physicians interested in these fields. Emphasis is placed on diagnostic radiology, including conventional techniques, ultrasound, computed tomography, MR imaging, nuclear medicine, and interventional procedures. Related pathologic, surgical and clinical developments are also reviewed.

 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy publishes a variety of articles on all aspects related to endoscopic procedures in the areas of ENT, lung, oesophagus, upper GI, hepatopancreatobiliary tract, lower GI, urinary bladder, uterus, cervix, joints, vessels, thoracic and abdominal cavities. The journal is published quarterly and guarantees high quality photography. Articles on preclinical and clinical research, case reports, as well as descriptions of the development of equipment and accessories are given priority.
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