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Journals - Diabetes

Journal Types
 - Cardiovascular
 - Cleanroom
 - Computing
 - Dentistry
 - Diabetes
 - Gastroenterology
 - General Healthcare
 - Imaging
 - Literature Databases
 - Medical Device Industry
 - Medical Engineering
 - Ophthalmology
 - Orthopaedics
 - Regulations

 Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics

This new peer-reviewed quarterly journal covers new technology and new products for the treatment, monitoring, diagnosis, and prevention of diabetes and its complications. Technologies include non-invasive glucose monitoring, implantable continuous glucose sensors, novel routes of insulin administration, genetic engineering, the artificial pancreas, measures of long-term control, computer applications for case management, telemedicine, the internet, and new medications.
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»Touch Bionics buys US supplier Livingskin as it grasps profitability
Touch Bionics buys US supplier Livingskin as it grasps profitability
»Aircraft flies with Far East deal
Aircraft flies with Far East deal
»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
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»Life Science Partnering Event - Dundee
»Understanding Procurement Reform, Winning Contracts in Scotland 2008
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